Bagpiping For All Occasions

With Norm Weaver

Providing piping services in Northern Virginia,
Washington DC, and nearby Maryland and West Virginia areas

Piper in formal Prince Charlie evening jacketYour piper, Norm Weaver, has played the highland bagpipes for 25 years. For the last 23 years he has been a member of the Washington Scottish Pipe Band, pipers to the Washington St. Andrews Society and the Clan Gregor, USA

Norm Weaver has played for weddings, funerals, (piping frequently at Arlington National Cemetery), church services, community celebrations, business and professional society meetings, school events, and private parties.

Your piper would enjoy working with you to develop a program of pipe music for your special event.

    For Information on:         Weddings
 Golf Tournaments
 Church Services

References gladly provided

Contact Norm Weaver:


707-721-4033 (pager)